ڇِنَڻُ بابت
ٽوڙڻ. جدا ڪرڻ. پَٽِڻ. ڦِٽائڻ دوستي. کوهِڻُ، ختم ڪرڻ. قطع تعلقات ڪرڻ.
To pluck fruit, flowers, To snap or break by plucking a rope, to break a friendship, to subside as the flood in the river.
ٽوڙڻ. جدا ڪرڻ. پَٽِڻ. ڦِٽائڻ دوستي. کوهِڻُ، ختم ڪرڻ. قطع تعلقات ڪرڻ.
To pluck fruit, flowers, To snap or break by plucking a rope, to break a friendship, to subside as the flood in the river.