Lexical Density of the verse, for usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Computational linguistics
Number of words: | |
Lexical Words:* | |
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* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection
داستان اندر ٻيو اندراج
- (بيت) تَران تَہ مَران، وَران تَہ…
- (بيت) تَران لاءِ طَعني، مَٿي وَھَ…
- (بيت) تَرَڻَ جا طَعنا، سُھِما ڏِينمِ…
- (بيت) جَرَ تَڙَ تِکَ تَنوارَ، وَڻَ…
- (بيت) جَرَ گِهڙِيي جوکو ٿِئي، آئُون…
- (بيت) جَي قِيامَ مِڙَنِ، تَہ ڪَرَ…
- (بيت) سَڀَتِ پَچَرَ پِرِينءَ جِي، سَڀَتِ…
- (بيت) سِڪَ تُنھِنجِي سُپِرِين، اَندَرِ ٿِي…
- (بيت) سِڪَ تُنھِنجِي سُپِرِين، اَندَرِ ٿِي…
- (بيت) سِڪَ تُنھِنجِي سُپِرِين، جِيئَن تَران…
- (بيت) سِڪَ تُنھِنجِي سُپِرِين، ڪَپي ۽…
- (بيت) سِڪَ سِڪَندِيَنِ لاءِ، وِڇوڙِئا ميڙِ…
- (بيت) طَعني لاءِ تَران، مَٿي وَھَ…
- (بيت) عَدَدُ ناھِ عِشقَ جو، سُڻِي…
- (بيت) قَضا قَلَمُ وَھايو، نَہ تَہ…
- (بيت) مَرِجِ وَٽِ ميھارَ، مَتان موٽين…
- (بيت) نَڪو سَنڌو سُورَ جو، نَڪو…
- (بيت) نَہ ڪانِيءَ نَہ ڪانھَنۡ، نَڪو…
- (بيت) وَڃان ڪِيئَن وَرِي، ھُوندَ ريءَ…
- (بيت) پاڻِي سَھي نَہ پيرُ، لَهرِ…
- (بيت) چَونِمِ جَي ھيڪارَ، مَ وانءُ…
- (بيت) ڏِٺي ٿِئَڙَم ڏِينھَن، ڪوھُ ڄاڻان…
- (بيت) ڏِٺي ڏِينھَن ٿِئامِ، ڪوھُ ڄاڻان…
- (بيت) ڏِٺي ڏِينھَن ٿِيامِ، ڪوھُ ڄاڻان…
- (بيت) ڪيرِ ڪُنَ آئُون ڪيرَ، ڪيرَ…
- (بيت) ڪِي تَران ڪِي تاريجِ، ڪِي…
- (بيت) گهَرُ نَہ وَرُ نَہ وَٿُ…
- (بيت) ھِيءَ ڀَرِ ھِيءُ ھَنڌوسِ، ڪَوڙو…
- سُر سھڻي جَي تران، سڀت، ڏٺي ڏينھن جو بيت
جٖي تو بَيتَ ڀانئِيا، سي آيَتُون آھِين،
سَڳَرُ سُونھائِينِ، پِريان سَندي پارَ جو.
رسالن ۾ موجودگي: 81 سيڪڙو
گنج ۾، سرود سھڻي، بيت نمبر : 1739
جٖيْ تُوْ بَيْتَ ڀَائِيَا سٖيْ آَيَةٌ آَهِيْنِ﮶
سَکَرُ سُوْهَائِيْنِ پِرْيَان سَندٖيْ پَارَ جُوْ﮶
ھِي بيت ٻين سھيڙيندڙن وٽ ڏِسو
सिन्धी देवनागिरी
जे तो बेत भांया। से आयतूं आहीनि।
सग॒रु सूंहाईनि। पिरियां संदे पार जो।
Jay to bayat'a bhaaniyaa, say ayatoo'n aaheen,
Saggar'u soonhaee'en, piryaa'n sanday paar'a jo.
This couplet is capable of two interpretations as under:
a) What you consider as mere poems are in fact Quranic verses. They carry you mentally to the Beloved or Allah. (This means that good many poems in the Shah's Risalo, when spiritually interpreted, are helpful as a guide to the Quran. Accordingly this couplet contains a sort of warning to the readers not to be casual or superficial in their interpretation of Shah's poems.
b) The word آيت belongs to the Arabic vocabulary, It means a sign, token, mark (to denote a passage) or a miracle. In Quran it has been used in connection with several things, i.e. creation of solar system, alternate succession of day and night, regeneration of barren' land, Arc of Hazrat Nooh, and staff of Hazrat Moosa etc. An Ayat may be seen or intellectually understood or visioned in a state of ecstasy. The verses of Shah, it should be noted, are not the result of an effort on his part. He composed them while he was in ecstasy. This is clear from his following poem: مُٺيءَ ڪيا مرض ۾ جاوا سڀ جواب
I have given uncalled for vent to these spiritual exhortations while in ecstasy, which is generally considered as a disease in common parlance, particularly by those who are alien to spiritual evolution.
It is obligatory that the ecstatic expressions should receive deep study. Else the apprehension is that they would fail in their purpose and may cause more harm than good to the readers. It was on this account, that Emperor Aurangzeb had forbidden study of Diwan Hafiz in academic institutions in Delhi.
In the context of the above prologue this verse may be translated as under:
My verses are not mere poems (meant for entertainment, as considered by you.) They are full of mysticism and guidance. Please take them as tokens or symbols from me. If you interpret them properly, they will help you in your spiritual evolution and guide you along the straight path IeadingtoAllah.
In this connection I should better refer to the relevant poems of Moulana Roomi and Dr. Iqbal as under:
بیت من بیت نیست اقلیمی ست
ہزلِ من ہزل نیست تعلیمی ست
My poetry should not be restricted in its scope to a mere house. Its range is very wide. It applies to the entire country. My allegory should not be taken as a purposeless joke. It is meant to educate you.
من اے میرامم داد از تو خواہم
مرا یارانِ غزل خوانے شمردند
O Prophet, the leader of followers! I seek justice at your hands. My friends have dubbed me as a mere reciter of Ghazals.
The verse under discussion does not reflect ego on the part of Shah Latif, who, as every reader of the Risalo knows, was very humble in nature. He always advocated humility and self renunciation.
Note: This verse is the master key for all Surs in the Risalo. Those readers, who do not avail of it, are most likely to founder in their interpretation. The poet has predicted their misfortune in the verse No. 27 of Sur Yaman Kalyan.
What you consider to be verses are sign pots,
That direct the mind to Lord's adobe.
What you take to be verses are in fact Aayats,
They guide heart towards the beloved.
الأبيات حسبتها الأبيات هذه هي آيات تؤصل هذه الأبيات إلى عالم الحبيب.
مپند ار ید این ابیات محض ابیات ہمدو شان
کہ این ابیات در پردہ شعور آیات اند
ازینہا می کند پرواز دل سوی دیار دوست
برای وصل داماندہ وسیلہ آیات اند
جو توں جانیں بیت، اوہ تاں آئتاں نیں
من لے آوندیاں نیں، پریتم سندے پار
شعر مرے پرکھیں تو لیں آئتاں ہیں قرآنی
لفظاں دے وچ رمز لُکائی ورلا سمجھے معنی
مرے ابیات پر معنی کی کیا بات
شگفتہ صورتِ آیاتِ قرآں
دل انساں پہ کھلتے جارہے ہیں
رموزِ معرفت، اسرارِ عرفاں
ان کو مت ابیات سمجھ یہ، ہیں آیاتِ قرآن،
دھیان سے گر تو پڑھ لے تو ہو، پریتم کا عرفان۔
ھِن سُر جي راڳ بابت
سھڻي: شاستري سنگيت ۾ ماروا ٺاٺ جي راڳڻي آھي. ھيءَ راڳڻي عام طور تي رات جي پيون پھرن ۾ ڳائي ويندي آھي. سرن جي لحاظ کان آڏو، شڌا آھي.
ٺاٺ: ماروا
سُرن جي بيھڪ:
آروھا: سا گا ما ڌا ني سا
آوروھا: سا ني ڌا گا ما ڌا گا ما گا ري سا
ھن راڳڻيءَ جو وادي سر ”ڌا“ جڏھن تہ سموادي سر گا آھي. ھن راڳڻيءَ ۾ ري کان سواءِ سڀ سر تيور ۾ آھن.