Lexical Density of the verse, for usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Computational linguistics
Number of words: | |
Lexical Words:* | |
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Lexical Density: |
* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection
داستان اندر ٻيو اندراج
- (بيت) اَندَرَ اَندَرِيُون، جِيئَن سي وانجِهيءَ…
- (بيت) اُتَرَ ڏِنِي اوتَ، نَہ مُون…
- (بيت) اُتَرُ اوتُون ڏي، نَہ مُون…
- (بيت) جِيئَن سو تَئِئَ تَرو، کامي…
- (بيت) جِيئَن سي کُوھِيءَ نارَ، وَھَنِ…
- (بيت) سَنئِين نَہ سيڻانِ، ناھِ اُبُتِي…
- (بيت) سَٻَرُ سِيءُ پِئو، نَہ مُون…
- (بيت) سَڄَڻَ سان نَہ ڀيٽَ، ڳُجُهہ…
- (بيت) نيڻَ نَہ نِنڊُون ڪَنِ، ڀَڳو…
- (بيت) نيڻَ نِھائِينءَ جان، سُتي لوڪَ…
- (بيت) نِينھُن نِھائين جِيئَن، ڍَڪِئو ڪوھُ…
- (بيت) نِينھُن نِھائِينءَ جان، ڍَڪِئو ڪوھُ…
- (بيت) نِھائِينءَ کان نِينھُن، سِکُ مُنھِنجا…
- (بيت) وَڻَ جِيئَن وِرِھَ وَڌَنِ، شاخُون…
- (بيت) گَبَرِيين ۽ گُونِيين، پِرِين پَٽائين…
- (بيت) ڳالِهيُون پيٽَ وَرَنِ ۾، وَڌِي…
سُر جا ٻيا داستان
- سُر رِپ جَي اندر، سٻر ۽ نھائين جو بيت
ڪِي جو ڪُنڀارَنِ، مِٽِيءَ پائي مَنِئو،
تَنھِين مان تِرَ جيتَرِي، جي پَئي خَبَرَ کَرَنِ،
ھِي تان ھُوندَ مَرَنِ، ھُنِ اَڱَڻِ اوراتو ٿِئي.
رسالن ۾ موجودگي: 86 سيڪڙو
گنج ۾، سرود رِپَ، بيت نمبر : 2439
ڪٖيْجُوْ ڪُڀَارَنِ مِٽِيَ پَائٖيْ مَنِئُوْ﮶
تَهٍ مَا تِرَ جٖيْـتَرِيْ جٖيْ پَئٖيْ خَبَرَ کَرَنِ﮶
هِيْـتَان هُندَ مَرَنِ هُنِ اَنکَّنِ اُوْرَاٽُوْ ٿِي﮼﮶
ھِي بيت ٻين سھيڙيندڙن وٽ ڏِسو
सिन्धी देवनागिरी
की जो कुंभारनि। मिटीअ पाए मनिओ।
तंहीं मां तिर जेतरी। जे पए ख़बर खरनि।
ही तां हूंद मरनि। हुनि अङणि ओरातो थए॥
Kee jo kunbharan mittee'a paae maniyo,
Tanheen maan tir'a jetaree, je pae khabar'a kharan,
Hee tan hoond'a maran, hun angan oraato thiye.
It is not exactly known what the potter (i.e. Allah) mixed with clay and kneaded it (for making human moulds.) But He did mix something with it. If the malevolents (i.e. Satan and his confederates) were to know about it, Satan would die of the shock and his people would raise a wail of lamentation for him in this world.
“O Satan! what checked you from prostrating to him (i.e. Adam) whom formed with My both hands?” (75, Sad).
Note: (1) In this verse the poet seems to have relied on two Quranic verses - more on the first than on the second. Both verses are translated below. According to the sufistic conception of the unity of soul it is connected with the first Quranic verse, wherein it has been said that the mankind has been produced from one Being. Shah has always stressed this unity in the Ground and Essence of all souls. According to him, there is no plurality in the Reality, and as such all human souls in their plurality are One.
In this verse Shah seems to have implied mixture of the Divine Essence with clay for production of human beings. By (evil person) he obviously refers to Satan and his confederates, and more remotely to those persons who do not subscribe to the doctrine of Wahdatul Wujud or monism.
a) And He it is who had produced you from a Single ‘nafs’ or (self).
(98, AI-Anam).
b) Your creation and your resurrection are only like the creation and resurrection of a single soul . (28, Luqman).
(2) The verse is capable of another interpretation as under:”Allah had entrusted the make up of Adam’s mould to the angels” (This is what Hafiz supports in his poem reproduced below). The angels mixed something with the clay. Possibly it was the Divine essence, or the sacred wine. If Satan had the least insight in it, he would have died of jealousy, because he himself was made of smokeless fire. If that information had leaked out to the universe, it would have been burnt to cinders because of the momentous nature of the information.
The verse No. 5, chapter V of Sur Kohyari may also be read alongwith the present verse.
جوہرست انسان و چرخ اورا عرض
The noumenan self of man is the substance and the heavens are His attributes.
دوش دیدم کہ ملائک در میخانہ نہ زدند،
گلِ آدم بسرشتند و بہ پیمانہ زدند۔
Yesterday I saw that the angels opened the door of the tavern, mixed with Adam’s clay the (Divine) wine, kneaded it and made out the mould.
What the potter mixed with clay and kneed,
If evil ones were to know a little of it,
Of shock they would die, their followers lamenting.
Potters mixed something with clay and kneaded it,
If the scoundrels learn a little of it,
The potters would surely die of shock,
there will be lamentaions in the scoundrel’s courtyards.
فخاريون جمعوا الطين وعجنوا حتى عرف اللئام من نوع هذا الطين ليموتون وليبكون ويصير فى بيوتهم الماتم (لا نعرف عن الفخارين هم يدورون الطين لأي نوع من الإنسان) وهم يكتمون الأسرار.
چو انسان میرد و خاکِ تنش گاہی بدست آید
کلال ازویءِ بسازد کوزہ و در آتش اندازد
رسد گر این خبر درگوش ناھنجار آن لحظہ
شود ماتم کنان خود را بہ آہ و نالش اندازد
نہ جانے کیا ملا کر کوزہ گرنے
یہ دلکش پیکر خاکی بنائے
خود اپنی جاں سے ہو جائے گا بیزار
یہ بات اس کی سمجھ میں آ نہ جائے
کس کے جسم کی مٹی کو یہ، گوندھ رہا کمہار،
جانے گر کمہار تو وہ بھی، روئے زار و قطار،
مرجائیں کمہار، انکے آنگن میں ماتم ہو۔