Lexical Density of the verse, for usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Computational linguistics
Number of words: | |
Lexical Words:* | |
Non-lexical words:** | |
Lexical Density: |
* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection
داستان اندر ٻيو اندراج
- (بيت) آڻي جهوڪِئا جهوڪَ ۾، مِزمانَن…
- (بيت) اَدِيُون اُٺَ وِئا، مُنھِنجا نِيَرَنِ…
- (بيت) اَدِيُون وِئا اُڪِرِي، ڏيئِي تَنگَنِ…
- (بيت) اَڱَڻَ اُھيئِي، جَتَ نَہ پَسان…
- (بيت) اُٺَ پُٽَ اُٺَنِ جا، مَرَنِ…
- (بيت) جاران جَتُ ڏِٺومِ، عَينَنِ سين…
- (بيت) ساٿِيَنِ سَويرَ، آڻي اُٺَ اَويٽِئا،…
- (بيت) ساھي ٻَڌي سَندِرو مَٿي بَرَ…
- (بيت) لَڪَ مَٿي لٽِڪي، ڪَريو سَٻاجها…
- (بيت) لَڪِ چَڙِھِيو رڻِ روءِ، ڪَري…
- (بيت) مُون توکي پَرنِئا، اللهَ اوٺِي…
- (بيت) مُون ڀانيو مَھمانَ، جيڪُسِ پَھَرَ…
- (بيت) وِئا سُڃَ سَنجهي ڪَري، ڀينَرُ…
- (بيت) ٻَڌِي سُورَنِ سَندِرو، صُبُوحِ ڏُونگَرِ…
- (بيت) ڀُڻِي ڏُونگَرَ ڏورِئان، ڪِيچِيَنِ لَئي…
- (بيت) ڌُرِيان ئِي ڌارِيان، مِٽَ مُئِيءَ…
- (بيت) ڏُونگَرَ ۾ ڏَھڪارُ، موٽَڻُ مَيَنَ…
- (بيت) ڏُکِي ڏولي ڏُونگَرين، وِئا ڇَپَرَ…
- (بيت) کوءِ پَلَنگَ ٻَنِ ماڙِيُون، پَکا…
- (بيت) ڪَري سُڃَ سَنجهي وِئا، اُٿِيَسِ…
- (بيت) گَجئا ڪِينَ گَڙَنگَ، ٻَڌي مُنھِن…
- (بيت) ھُونگاَري ھَلِئا، پاتائُون پَلاڻَ، ليڙَنِ…
- سُر ديسي جَي جت، اُٺ ۽ ڌاريا جو بيت
لَڪِ چَڙِهئو رِڻِ روءِ، ڪَري سَٻاجها سَڏَڙا،
اِيندَنِ پُڇي خَبَرُون، وِيندَنِ پيرين پوءِ،
اُٺَنِ ۽ اوٺِيَڙَنِ جو، مُون کي ڏَسُ ڏِيو،
مُونھان ھوتُ وِئو، ڀُڻِي ڏُونگَرَ ڏورِئان.
رسالن ۾ موجودگي: 23 سيڪڙو
ھِي بيت ٻين سھيڙيندڙن وٽ ڏِسو
सिन्धी देवनागिरी
लकि चड़िहिओ रिणि रोइ। करे सबा॒झा सड॒ड़ा।
ईंदनि पुछे ख़बरूं। वींदनि पेरें पोइ।
उठनि एं ओठियड़नि जो। मूं खे ड॒सु डि॒यो।
मूंहां होतु विओ। भुणी डूं॒गर डो॒रिआं।
Lak'ay chirrih'o rinn'ay ro'ay, karay saBaajhaa saddarraa,
Eendan'ay puchhi khabaroo'n, weendan'ay peren po'ay,
Uthhan'ay aen aothhiyarran'ay jo, moo'n khhay ddas'u ddiyo,
Moonhaa'n hot'u wi'o, bhunni ddoongar'a ddori'aa'n.
Sasui passed through the wilderness amidst the mountain passes, all the time meekly calling the Beloved. She enquired about him from all those persons who crossed her on the road, and she followed the footprints of those way-farers who went further in the same direction. (Or) she touched their feet (for their intercession with the Prophet for her). She requested them for some information about the party of her husband's brothers and their camels, deploring her tearful journey through the passes, which was occasioned by her husband's departure.
Note: Two categories of fellow travellers who crossed Sasui are mentioned in this verse, to wit, those who had come from the Beloved's land, and those who were bound for the same destination as Sasui. Since the latter seemed better informed about the route, they journeyed fast. Sasui had, accordingly to follow their prints.