ھِن وائيءَ جا مُکيہ اِسم
Lexical Density of the verse, for usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Computational linguistics
Number of words: | |
Lexical Words:* | |
Non-lexical words:** | |
Lexical Density: |
* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection
داستان اندر ٻيو اندراج
سُر جا ٻيا داستان
- سُر بلاول جَي وايون جي وائِي
ڍَڪَ ڍَڪِيندو مُون نَہ ڇَڏِيندو، شفيعُ شافِعُ سُپِرِين،
اَنڌا اُونڌا آکُڙِئا، سَڀَ نِباھي نِيندو،
وَٽان ويچارَنِ جي، داڙُو پاڻَ دَڙِيندو،
جي ڏُھارِيَنِ ڏاکَڙا، لَڪَ سي لَنگهائِيندو،
نُورُ ناڪارو نَہ ڪَري، مُحَّمَدُ مِنَٿَ مَڃِيندو،
پاڻُ سُڃاڻِي پاڻِهين، ڪامِلُ ڪَرَمُ ڪَرِيندو،
تَنبُو آڻي تاوَ ۾، عاصِيَنِ لَيءِ اَڏِيندو،
داتا دوزَخِيَنِ کي، لِينگهو لَهرائِيندو،
رَسَڻَ ويرَ رَسِي ڪَري، مُشڪُ رَنگُ مَٽِيندو،
ھِتِ پُڻ حامِي ھِنِ جو، اڳِئان آڳَهُہ ٿيندو،
طَھُورا تَڙِيَنِ کي، پانڊپُ پِئارِئيندو،
رَحْمَةً لِّلْعٰلَمِیْنَ ، اَھکِيءَ آڳَهُہ ٿِيندو،
اُتي عَبدِالْلَطِيفُ کي، ھادِي ھَٿُ جَهلِيندو.
رسالن ۾ موجودگي: 87 سيڪڙو
گنج ۾، سرود بلاول، بيت نمبر : 3660
ڊَڪَ ڊَڪِيْدُوْ مُنْ نَڇَڎِيْدُوْ شَفِيْعُ شَافِعُ سُپِرٍ﮶
اُنْڌَّا اُنْڌَا آَکُرِئَا سَڀن نِبَاهٖيْ نِيْدُوْ﮶
وَٽَا وٖيْڇَارَنِجٖيْ دَارُوْ پَانَ دَرِيْدُوْ﮶
جٖيْ ڎُهَارِيَنِ ڎَاکَررَا لَڪَ سٖيْ لَکَائِيْدُوْ﮶
نُوْرُ نَاڪَارُوْ نَڪَرٖيْ مُحَمَّدِ مِنَّتَ مَڃِيْدُوْ﮶
پَانُ سُڃَانِيْ پَانِهٍ ڪَامِلُ ڪَرَمُ ڪَرِيْدُوْ﮶
تَنبُّوْ آَنٖيْ تَاوَ م﮼ عَاصِيَنِ لَىءِ اَڎِيْدُوْ﮶
دَاتَا دَوْزَخِيَنِکٖيْ لِنْکٌہ لَھْرَائِيْدُوْ﮶
رَسَنَ وٖيْرَ رَسِيْ ڪَرٖيْ مُشْڪَ رَنکُّہ مَٽِيْدُوْ﮶
هِتِ پَنْ حَامِيْ هِنِجُوْ اَکِئَا آَکَهُ ٿِيْدُوْ﮶
طَهُوْرَا تَرِئَنِکٖيْ پَاڊَپُ پِيَارِيْدُوْ﮶
رَحْمَةٌ لِلْعَالَمِيْنَ اَهْکِيَ آَکَهُ ٿِيْدُوْ اُتٖيْ عَبُدِ اللَّطِيْفَ کٖيْ هَادِيْ هَٿِ جَلِيْدُوْ﮶
ھِي وائي ٻين سھيڙيندڙن وٽ ڏِسو
सिन्धी देवनागिरी
ढक ढकींदो मूं न छडीं॒दो। शफ़ीउ शाफ़िहु सुपिरीं।
अंधा ऊंधा आखुड़िआ। सभि निबाहे नियंदो।
वटां वेचारनि जे। दाड़ू पाण दड़ींदो।
जे डु॒हारियनि डा॒खड़ा। लक से लंघाईंदो।
नूरु नाकारो न करे। मुहम्मदु मिनथ मञींदो।
पाणु सुञाणी पाणिहें। कामिलु करमु करींदो।
तंबू आणे ताव में। आसियनि लए अडीं॒दो।
दाता दोज़ख़ियनि खे। लींघो लह्राईंदो।
रसण वेर रसी करे। मुश्कु रंगु मटींदो।
हिति पण हामी हिनि जो। अगि॒आं आग॒हु थींदो।
तहूरा तड़ियनि खे। पांडपु पिआरिएंदो।
रहमतु लिलआलमीन। अह्खीअ आग॒हु थींदो।
उते अब्दुल्लतीफ़ खे। हादी हथु झलींदो।
dhhak'a dhhakeendo moo'n na chhaddeendo, shafee'u shaafi'u supiree'n,
andhaa oondhaa aakhhurriaa, sabh'a nibaahay neendo,
wattaa'n wechaaran'ay jay, daarroo paann'a darreendo,
jay dduhaariyan'ay ddukhharraa, lak'a say langhaaeendo,
Noor'u naakaaro na karay, Muhammad'u minth'a manjeendo.
paann'u sunjaannay paannihee'n, Kaamil'a Karam'u kareendo,
tanboo aannay taawa mayn, aasiyan'ay la'ee addeendo,
daataa dozakhiyan'ay khhay, lenghho lahraaeendo,
rasann'a wer'a rasi karay, mushk'u rang'u matteendo,
hit'ay punn Haami hin'ay jo, aggi'aa'n aaggah'u theendo,
tahooraa tarriyan'ay khhay, paanDap'u pi'aari'endo,
Rahmatalil'Aalameen'a, aahkhhi'a aaggah'i theendo,
utay Abdul'Lateef'u khhay, haadi hath'u jhaleendo.
My beloved, the remarkable intercessor (with Allah) will not forsake me. He will cover up my sins.
He will take to safety all blind, disabled and crippled persons.
He will himself administer medicine to the miserables.
He will steer the sinners through all difficult passes.
The Prophet Muhammad (may peace of Allah be on him!) who is the light of Allah, will accede to our supplication.
The Prophet is the luminous lamp. (47, AI-Ahzab)
Note One of the names of the Prophet is Nur or the Light.
In this world he is the supporter of the weak and resourceless persons. In the Hereafter too he would strech out his hand (to the needy).
Note: The word may refer to the poet as well.
TRADITION: (Qudusi) Allah has sent me as the supporter of the illiterates.
The chief would himself offer the holy wine to the rejected ones (i.e. the sinners) for a drink. Their souls were originally the residents of Paradise and they were expelled from it.
The ideal person will show kindness to all due to his inherently good nature.
He will provide tent for the sinners under the blazing sun (on the Day of Judgement which would be terribly hot).
The generous Prophet will intercede with Allah for those who are marked for Hell and get their accounts of deeds settled to their advantage (i.e. he would get their punishment remitted).
At the appropriate time for help he would kindly intercede and then annoint liberally each follower with musk.
TRADITION: A good friend is like a dealer in musk. Either he would give you the musk as a present or you would purchase it from him. In any case you will enjoy the fragrance. The “mercy for the universe” will help all persons in the hardships.
“Allah sent not the Prophet but as a Mercy for all mankind.”
(107, Al-Anbiya).
ای رحمت للعالمین ای شافع ہر مذنبین،
احوال ہر قلبِ حزین پوشیدہ نبود از شما۔
O mercy for the universe! O intercessor for all sinners! I am sure no remorseful heart (like mine) is hidden from you (On the Day of Judgement) the guide (i.e. the Prophet) will hold Abdul Latif by hand.
سید و سرور محمد نور جان،
بہتر و مہتر شفیع مجرمان
My Lord, Prophet Muhammad (may peace of Allah be on him) is the light of our life. He is the best and the greatest intercessor for sinners
He will cover me, not leave me, the intercessor beloved,
He will take along all the blind, disabled and those gone stray,
He will pour medicine into mouth of the sick,
He will take all the sinners across defiles,
The light of God will not say no, He will grant his request,
Here and there he is the support, hereafter also he will be the mainstay,
The lord will offer holly wine,
In awareness of his own self, the perfect one will show kindness,
He will pitch tent for the sinners in the scorching sun on the Day of Judgment,
The generous one will have those marked for hell pardoned,
He will reach at the proper time and anoint all with musk,
The mercy for all worlds will help all in difficulty,
There the guide will hold Abdul Lateef by hand.
ڈھانپیں گے نہیں چھوڑینگے، شفیع شافع سائیں،
جو ہیں اندھے اور اپاہج، سب سے نباھ کرینگے،
آپ ہی سب کے درماں ہونگے، سب کو دوا وہ دینگے،
گنہگاروں کو مشکل سے، ساجن خود لیجائینگے،
مولا مان جائے گا جب، منت آپ کرینگے،
دوزخیوں کو داتا، آگ سے بچا لائینگے،
مشکل وقت پہ پہنچ کر، اور مشک سے چمکا دینگے،
رحمتہ العالمین مشکل میں، رہنما ہونگے،
وہاں پہ عبداللطیف کا، ہاتھ وہ تھام لینگے۔