ھِن بيت جا مُکيہ اِسم
Lexical Density of the verse, for usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Computational linguistics
Number of words: | |
Lexical Words:* | |
Non-lexical words:** | |
Lexical Density: |
* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection
داستان اندر ٻيو اندراج
- (بيت) سَرَتِيُون سَڀوئِي ٿِئو، اَندَرِ آرِياڻِي،…
- (بيت) ووڙِيَمِ سَڀَ وَٿاڻَ، يارَ ڪارَڻِ…
- (بيت) ويئِي سُونھَن سَسُئِيءَ جِي، پُنهون…
- (بيت) وَھمَ وِرساياسِ، نَہ تَہ پُنهون…
- (بيت) پاڻُ نَہ ٿِئي پاڻَ کان،…
- (بيت) پيھِي جانۡ پاڻَ ۾، ڪِيَمِ…
- (بيت) پُنهون ٿِيَسِ پاڻِهين، وِئو سَسُئِيءَ…
- (بيت) پُنهون ٿِيَسِ پاڻِهين، وِئو سَسُئِيءَ…
- (بيت) ڀَڄِي جانۡ ڀَنڀورَ کان، ڏُونگَرُ…
- (بيت) ڄاتُمِ نَہ ڄاڻِي، تَہ ڪِ…
- (بيت) ڄاڻِي جَي ڄاتومِ، تَہ ڪِ…
- (بيت) ڄاڻِي سُڃاڻِي، مُون کي ڇَڏي…
- (بيت) ڄاڻِي سُڃاڻِي، وِھان ڪِيئَن ماٺِ…
- (بيت) ڏُکَنِ پُٺِيان سُکَ، سِگها ٿِيندَءِ…
- (بيت) ڏِنا جِيئَڻَ لاءِ جيڏِيُون، ڏيرَنِ…
- (بيت) ڪافُون ڪاھِيندِياسِ، موٽان تَہ ڪُرَ…
- (بيت) ڪَڍَ پُنهونءَ جِي ڪاھي، چاٽِيءَ…
- (بيت) ھوتُ تُنھِنجي ھَنجَ ۾، پُڇين…
- (بيت) ھوتُ تُنھِنجي ھَنجَ ۾، پُڇين…
- (بيت) ھيڪَرَ ھُئَڻُ وِڃاءِ، تَہ ويجهِي…
- (بيت) ھيڪَرَ ھُئَڻُ ڇَڏِ، تَہ اوڏِي…
- سُر آبڙي جَي سڀ ڪجهہ سندي اندر جو بيت
پُنهون ٿِيَسِ پاڻِهين، ويئِي سَسُئِيءَ جِي سُونھَن،
خَلقَ اللهُ آدمَ عَلیٰ صُورَتِه ، وَڻَنِ مَنجِهہ وِرُونھَن،
چَرِيءَ مَنجهان چُونھَن، کَڻِي ھوتُ ھَنۡجَ ڪِئو.
رسالن ۾ موجودگي: 93 سيڪڙو
گنج ۾، سرود سسئي، بيت نمبر : 518
پُنُوْہُ ٿِيَسِ پَانَهٍ وٖيْئِيْ سَسُئِيءَ جِيْ سُوْنهَ﮶
خَلَقَ آَدَمُ عَلىٰ صُوْرَتِهِ وَنَنَم﮼ مَنجِہ وِرُوْہَ﮶
چَرِيِ مَنجَا چُوْنهَ کَنِيْ هُوْةُ هَنجَ ڪِئُوْ﮶
ھِي بيت ٻين سھيڙيندڙن وٽ ڏِسو
सिन्धी देवनागिरी
पुन्हूं थियसि पाणहीं। वेई ससुईअ जी सूंहं।
ख़लक़ आदम अला सूरतिही। वणनि मन्झि वरूंहं।
चरीअ मन्झां चूंहं। खणी होतु हंज किओ।
With Sasui's alignment, as Punhoo she lost her individual pattern in view of the tradition that Allah has indeed created the human being after His pattern, and that is what all vegetation echoes. The love-maddened Sasui took the Beloved in her arms with great zest.
طالب اوئی نگردو طالبت
چوں بمردی طالبت شود مطلبت
So long you seek Him, He does not become your seeker. But when you annihilate yourself, the sought after (Allah) will be your Seeker.
Note: In this verse Shah has reproduced briefly a tradition of the Prophet. Literally it says: "Verily Allah has created Adam according to His pattern". This tradition, which is relied upon by Imam Bukhari and lmam Muslim as correct, is often misinterpreted and sinned against. Some Sufis argue that because the man has a physical form and the latter is, according to the tradition, after Allah's form, it conversely follows that Allah too has a physical form similar to that of the man. This is a human way of thinking, and the conclusion thereby reached is preposterous, nay blasphemous. In the Quranic verse No. 11 of Al-Shura Allah has clearly asserted that "There is nothing whatever like unto Him". In verse No. 4 of Sura "Al-lkhlas" He has said: "And there is none like unto Him". That forbids all human attempts to imagine anything like unto Allah. He is the picture of the unpicturable. In view of these distinct assertions it is unwise to attribute the man as similar to Allah or assign Him a physical form on the pattern of a human form. The word 'pattern' should in fact imply attributes rather than form.
2 No eyes can see Allah. He manifests Himself through His attributes, and they serve as the basis for apprehending Him. What cannot be seen cannot be pictured or described. Besides He who encompasses all things cannot be physically contained at any particular place. The tradition may best be interpreted, as said above, by translating the word صورت as attributes. It would then be translated as under:
Verily Allah has created Adam after His own attributes.
The best course, however, under the circumstances, is to abide by the Prophet's another tradition and refrain from discussing Allah.
3 In this connection, lmam Ghazali's following observations, contained in his 'Kimya e Saadat', are relevant: "Allah is the King of the universe. The man is made the King of his body which is the universe in miniature. His heart is like the Emporean. His conscience or soul is like Angel lsrafil. His head is like the Divine throne and his brain, with its thoughts, acts like 'Loh Mahfuz'. Just as the angels obey every volition of Allah, similarly all limbs of the human body obey the man's thoughts. They act as angels for him. Just as Allah cannot be described, similarly the human soul too cannot be described. Even none of the human attributes like love, happiness, grief, smell etc. which are peculiar, can be described in exact terms".
ہرچہ اندیشہ پذیری فنا است
آنچہ اندیشہ نیاید خدا است
What you can think about is apt to perish, whatever cannot be apprehended by thought is Allah.
Sasui become Punhoon, her beauty disappeared,
"God has made in His own image", trees constantly repeat,
The love crazed one in estay took Beloved in her arms.
She became Punhoon, the beauty of Sassui vanished,
"Allah has indeed created Adam after His own image"*
Is echoed even by trees,
The crazy woman took Hoat in her arms out of love.
أنا صرت بنهون بنفسي ولقد زال حسن وجمال سسئي الإنسان هو جزء من حسن البحر الحقيقي عندما يعرف نفسه يصير واحدا ويغيب فى الوحدة الحقيقية تسمع هذه الأغاريد من الأشجار “خلق آدم على صورته ” لقد أحببت هذه المجنونة الحبيب من قلبها واحتضنته.
روپ سسی دا پنوں وچ آپے آ سمایا
اپنی صورت اتے بندا رب نے آپ بنایا
لگن سسی دی کھچ لیا پنوں گود بہایا
پنہل آپ ہوئی پھر کیسی، سسی کی رعنائی،
خلق آدم علیٰ صورتہ، آواز یہی بس آئی،
جس کی تھی سودائی، وہ پایا نادانی میں