ڀٽائي پيڊيا ۾ ڀليڪار!
Enriching Global Connections: Unveiling Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai's Message of Peace through the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
ڀٽائي پيڊيا جي باري ۾
هن ڪمپيوٽنگ ٽيڪنالاجيءَ جي دور ۾ معلومات جي رسائي صرف ڪتابن تائين نہ آھي، پر سڄيءَ دنيا ۾ ڪتابن کان وٺي ادب، سائنس، ٽيڪنالاجيءَ کان ويندي لوڪ ڏاھپ ۽ سماجي سوچ ويچار، آن لائين ٿيندي پئي وڃي؛ جنھن ڪري ھڪ سيڪنڊ ۾ دنيا جي ھڪ ڪنڊ کان ٻيءَ ڪنڊ تائين معلومات پھچي وڃي ٿي. اڄ مغربي ڪلاسيڪي ادب کان ويندي ڏور اوڀر جي روحاني ۽ ڪلاسيڪي ادب کي ھڪ ھنڌ ڪٺو ڪرڻ ۾ انسائيڪلوپيڊيائون ٺھي رهيون آھن. ’برٽينيڪا‘ کان بہ گوءِ کڻي ويندڙ اڄ ’وڪيپيڊيا‘، سڄيءَ دنيا جي ماڻهن کي معلومات رسائڻ جو اھم ذريعو ليکي پئي وڃي. اڄ رومي، شيڪسپيئر، شيلي، ڪيٽس، گرو نانڪ، ڪاليداس وغيرہ جھڙن ماضيءَ جي ڪلاسيڪي شاعرن ۽ اديبن کان وٺي دور حاضر جي علامہ اقبال، ٽئگور، گارشيا مارڪئيز وغيرہ جھڙن ڏاھن جا وڏا ’پورٽل‘ ٺھي چڪا آھن جتان انهن تي تحقيق ڪندڙ جهجهو فائدو وٺي رهيا آھن. ٺيڪ اھڙي دور ۾، دنيا جي قديم تهذيب جي امين سنڌ ڌرتيءَ جي مھا مفڪر ۽ ڪلاسيڪي…
وڌيڪ پڙھوAbout Bhittaipedia
In this era of Information Technology, the acquisition of knowledge is no longer solely reliant on books or printed materials; rather, it has been augmented by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), transforming the process into a multifaceted digital experience. The world is currently undergoing a significant shift, with knowledge rapidly transitioning to online platforms. As a result, a wide array of scientific, literary, technological, folkloric, and societal topics are accessible online. The speed of the internet enables knowledge to traverse the globe without hindrance. Notably, the Western world is in the process of digitizing encyclopedic resources, bringing classical literature into the digital realm. Presently, Wikipedia stands as a substantial hub for accessing information across a multitude of subjects, and it is anticipated that it will soon establish itself as…
Read moreAbout Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

Shah Abdul Latif, a Sayed and a Saint, a great scholar, an observer, a thinker, and a mystic, and an unobtrusive missionary, and more prominently an illustrious spiritualised poet of many dimensions, was born in 1102 A.H. corresponding to 1689 A.D. in Hala Haveli near Khatiyan village in Hala Taluka of Hyderabad District, Sind. His ancestors originally belonged to Herat in Afghanistan. One of them, Mir Hyder Shah, had visited Sind and married and remained at Hala for about 31/2 years. He then went back to Herat. It is said that Shah’s father Sayed Habib Shah had shifted from Matyari, his ancestral place, to Bhainpur to have spiritual contacts with Makhdum Bilawal, a local pious man. He is different from Makhdum Bilal of Dadu district, who had died earlier during the reign of the Arghuns.The poet seems to have received good education. It commenced at the madressah of Akhund Noor Muhammad Bhatti, situated about 6 miles away from Shah’s residence. Whether it was continued and concluded cannot be ascertained. Some persons think that Shah had no schooling. That is simply absurd. One has only to read his Risalo to admit it. He was proficient in the knowledge of the Quran,…
Read moreچُونڊَ بَيتُ
(سُر بروو سنڌي جي عاشق اکڙِيُون جو بيت -12)
ساجَنَ سِپاھِي، آئُون اَوَھانجو آھِيان،
اَچان ويلَ سَڀَ ڪَنھِن، وَڃان واجهائِي،
لالَڻَ تو لائِي کيڪارِئُمِ کَرَنِ کي.
साजन सिपाही। आऊं अवहांजो आहियां।
अचां वेल सभकंहिं। वञां वाझाई।
लालण तो लाई खीकारिउमि खरनि खे।
Sajan'a sipahee, Aaon awhaanjo Aahiyan,
Achaan wel'a sabh'a kenhn, wanjan waJhaaye,
Laalann'a to laye kheekariyum kharan khe.
چونڊَ سُرُ
سُر ڪلياڻ
’ڪلياڻ‘، سنسڪرت ٻوليءَ جو لفظ آھي، ۽ اصلي معنيٰ اٿس ’خير‘، ’سُک‘، ’شانتي‘. سُر ڪلياڻ، ھڪ راڳ جو نالو آھي. ھندستاني گَوَئين موجب، ديپڪ راڳن کي اٺ پُٽ آھن، جن مان ڪلياڻ ھڪ آھي. ڪلياڻ جا پنج مختلف قسم آھن: 1. شام ڪلياڻ 2. يمن ڪلياڻ 3. ڀوپالي ڪلياڻي 4. ھمير ڪلياڻ 5. ڪيدار ڪلياڻ ’سُر ڪلياڻ‘، شآھ جي ڇاپي رسالن ۾، پھريون سُر آھي. شاھ لطيف جي فڪري عظمت ۽ اوج جي لحاظ کان، سُر ڪلياڻ نھايت ئي ڳُورھو سُر آھي. اعليٰ ڄاڻ ۽ معرفت حاصل ڪرڻ ۽ اعليٰ مقصد ماڻڻ لاءِ، ھن سُر ۾، سمايل فڪر، انسان کي…وڌيڪ پڙھو
سُرَ ڏانھن ھلوچُونڊَ وائِي
اي مِيان سَڄَڻَ، تو ري ڪِيئَن رَھندا نيڻَ مُنھِنج
اي مِيان سَڄَڻَ، تو ري ڪِيئَن رَھندا نيڻَ مُنھِنجا،
جَنِ جو آڌارُ تُون،
جِئائِين اُلَهي اُڀَري، توڙي تِئائِين پَري،
توءِ وَڃِبو تَنِ ڏي، اَکڙِيُون پيرَ ڪَري،
بَخشِين بوڇَ بُڇايُون، ڪَچايُون ڪوڙيِين،
داخِل بَيتَ
داخل وايُون
تحقِيقِي ليکَ
ڪوش ۾ داخل ٻولَ
Lexical Density
Lexical density (LD) is a concept in computational linguistics that measures the structure and complexity of human communication in a language. LD estimates the linguistic complexity in a written or spoken composition from the functional words and content words. Here LD of Shah Jo Risalo is given for researchers who want to work on the Risalo for their further researches.
Number of words: | 5959 |
Lexical Words:* | 5703 |
Non-lexical words:** | 256 |
Lexical Density: | 95.70% |
* Words of Noun, adjective, verb & adverb
** Words of Pro-noun, post-position, conjunction & interjection